Myasthenia Gravis in Dogs: What It Is and How SEVN Can Help
Myasthenia gravis in dogs is one of the most commonly recognized neuromuscular diseases in veterinary medicine. In simple terms, the disease interrupts the way nerves communicate...
Nonsurgical IVDD Treatment in Dogs: Is Your Dog a Candidate?
Decisions about IVDD treatment in dogs are made based on the severity and the duration of clinical signs. In some cases, IVDD can be managed nonsurgically. However, without timely...
ANNPE: What It Is and How to Care for Your Dog
ANNPE stands for acute non-compressive nucleus pulposus extrusion (say that five times fast!) and is a form of intervertebral disc disease in dogs. ANNPE is a neurological...
Dog Epilepsy Treatment and How to Manage It
Has your dog been diagnosed with epilepsy? Epilepsy is the most common neurological condition in dogs. Although an underlying cause is not always found, rest assured that there is...
What Is a Brachycephalic Dog?
Brachy means “short.” Cephalic means “head.” A brachycephalic dog has a shortened skull, giving its nose a smushed-in appearance and often creating an exaggeratedly wide, flat...
Dog Herniated Disc: Signs and What to Do
A herniated disc is actually the number one spinal cord problem seen in dogs. The good news is that the chances of your dog making a full recovery can be as high as 95%. However,...
What is Botulism in Dogs and What Should I Look Out For?
Botulism in dogs is a rare, but serious condition caused by botulinum, a toxin that attacks the nervous system. This dangerous neurotoxin is produced by the bacterium, clostridium...
Dog Anesthesia: When Is It Needed and Is It Safe?
Anesthesia is a drug-induced, temporary loss of awareness and sensation used for medical purposes. Under dog anesthesia, a patient’s consciousness is controlled so that: Your dog...
4 Things You Should Know about Pug Myelopathy
Pug myelopathy is an uncommon condition in dogs that is still not fully understood. In fact, much remains open to debate, right down to its name. It is sometimes referred to as...
Myelomalacia in Dogs
When a severe spinal cord injury renders a dog unable to move its legs or feel its toes, about 10-15% of dogs will go on to develop a devastating condition called myelomalacia,...